Magazines, CAttle ASsociations, & other links

(Click on any highlighted wording for an automatic online link to that website)


Print Magazines

  • Shorthorn Country (Published from mid-1980’s until now)
    Focuses primarily on Beef Shorthorns and Shorthorn crosses.

  • Shorthorn World (Published from 1941 until 1985)

  • Shorthorn World and Farm Magazine (Published from 1906 until 1941)

  • Milking Shorthorn Journal/”The Angle”
    Primarily dairy oriented, but also occasionally has Heritage/Native Shorthorns.

  • Canadian Shorthorn Report

Facebook Group

Heritage Shorthorn Breeders

CAttle Associations

Marketing of Heritage or Heritage-influenced Shorthorn Beef

“How to” Article describing A.I. Techniques using ampules or Magic Wands

A.I. Technique for Using Amps or Wands

Other resources

  • Oklahoma State University cattle breeds
    This site has an extensive online reference library for cattle breeds around the world.

  • Livestock Conservancy
    Their mission is to protect endangered livestock and poultry breeds from extinction.

  • SVF Foundation
    They preserve germplasm (semen and embryos) from rare and endangered breeds of food and fiber livestock.

  • The Shorthorn Bulletin Quarterly newsletter that discusses topics of interest to all Shorthorn breeders. This site also has a page of photos of many HS bulls.

  • Shorthorn Select Genetics Semen sales and information on current and old Heritage Shorthorn bulls.