It was mentioned in the January 2024 HSS News that there was a new “Shorthorn Heritage” article (#4) written by Lonny Flack. Posting was a bit delayed, but it is now on the Cattle Viewpoints Page where you can read it (and the 3 previous Flack articles) with his engaging stories about raising Shorthorns.
The Canadian Shorthorn Report has published a 3 page article about Heritage Shorthorns and the Heritage Shorthorn Society in their January 15, 2024 edition. If you are not a subscriber to the written magazine, the issues are posted online at HSS paid for a ½ page ad to run concurrently with the article.
Additional ads have been paid for by HSS and are in the current editions/issues of The Livestock Conservancy quarterly report, and the Small Farmer’s Journal.
Canadian Shorthorn Report Ad
Livestock Conservancy Quarterly Ad
Are you testing all of your Heritage and Heritage-influenced Shorthorns for the A2 vs A1 milk protein? There is a steadily growing demand for A2/A2 cows to provide milk in grass-fed diaries and for families which milk their own cow, and the HSS office routinely gets queries asking about A2 cows. If you know the A1/A2 status of your cows, heifers, and bull semen you can aim for producing A2/A2 offspring which can then be sold for an added premium compared to comparable offspring which are only A1/A1 or A1/A2. A2/A2 Heritage Shorthorns advertised on the HSS website sell fast!
Check out the sire of the most recent “Calf of the Month” posted on the HSS website.
If it’s been a while since you looked at the “Pictures From the Past” Page, it has now been split into 2 pages because of the increasing number of pictures and entertaining vintage ads, etc. that are posted there. The more recently posted pictures are on “Pictures From the Past, Page 2”.
For those of you who like to really “plan in advance”, please note that the (International) World Shorthorn Congress, which is held every 3rd year, will be hosted by Canada next year (2025) in July, in conjunction with Calgary Stampede activities. Of the 8 Canadians listed for the planning committee for the 2025 World Conference, 2 are members of HSS—Dan Stephenson of Diamond Shorthorns, and Grant Smith of Craig Elachie Shorthorns.