March 2025 News

HSS is excited to announce that an independent Facebook page called Heritage Shorthorn Breeders has been established by Dr. Jake Bruton, a HSS member who lives in Floyd, Virginia. Dr. Bruton is a Veterinarian who specializes in ruminant reproduction and he owns Ruminant Reproductive Services, PLLC (www, Floyd, Virginia. He is ably assisted as an administrator of the Heritage Shorthorn Breeders Facebook page by Dr. Tyler May, who also is an HSS member and is a Physician living in Manning, Alberta, Canada—making this Facebook page an international effort. HSS is delighted that these two tremendous supporters of the Heritage Shorthorn breed have started this Facebook page. We strongly believe their efforts will bolster renewed interest in the relevancy of Heritage Shorthorns for today’s cattle breeders—check out the new Heritage Shorthorn Breeders Facebook page.

Many HSS members have small cattle herds and may not be aware of the tremendous increase in the price of both beef and dairy cattle over the last year. The major reason for this development is that the number of cattle in the USA has continually decreased and it is now at its lowest level since the 1940’s. HSS wants all HSS members to be aware of the increased value of cattle in general, and of their Heritage Shorthorns. Cattle are selling at all-time record prices. Weaned calves in the 500-600# range are selling for approximately $2000.00 while finished steers headed to market are over $3000.00. This extends to the dairy industry too as replacement dairy heifers are also in record price territory. No significant rebuild of the USA cattle numbers has started, so it is expected that these high prices will continue for 3-5 years and may actually increase. It is a good time to be in the cattle business if you have cattle to sell over the next several years.

HSS has paid for a new ad in the Livestock Conservancy Quarterly Newsletter which should be published sometime this month. There is also a full page ad about Heritage Shorthorns from HSS for the 2025 Livestock Conservancy Annual Directory (see ad on this page), which is scheduled to come out later this month or in April.

Spring is right around the corner (at least in some parts of the country). As the weather warms up and there are new green pastures, it is a perfect time over the next few months to get eye-catching pictures of your calves which are sired by Heritage bulls. Send the photos and information about the calves to the HSS office for possible inclusion in the Calf of the Month section.

The newest addition to the Calf of the Month Page is now posted.